William Freeman

About the author

William Freeman is a speaker, toastmaster, wedding celebrant, business 'guru', cartoonist and author. His books are punchy and to the point; you'll get valuable information and guidance for less cost than a coffee-bar cappuccino - and a small one at that. There are books that will help you with weddings and civil partnerships (planning the event, effective wedding speeches). There are books to help you set up and run your business; there are books that will help you discover how you can earn money from public speaking and MC work - and there are books that will amuse you and show you how to make money in the humour world. His popular kindle book 'Want To Give Them A Good Talking To? will show you how you make money from a wide variety of speaking opportunities. If you occasionally have to 'say a few words' or want to have the confidence to do so, then this book is a 'must' for you. William's business experience (at the heart of his business books) comes from 20 years of IBM sales and management experience and a similar amount of time running his own ventures in training and motivational speaking (senior partner Cambridge Associates UK). He created the 'Two Minute Message' technique, breathing fresh life into the, now rather hackneyed, 'Elevator Pitch' principle. This process formed a core element of BT UK WorldClass sales training - and he has written three business books based on this topic. William has been a cartoonist for over twenty years and had cartoons published in 'Private Eye', 'The Oldie', 'Punch' and lots of other, lesser known, periodicals. He has done the cartoon illustrations for a few non-fiction books. He’s a former president of the local chamber of commerce and, on a more frivolous front, he is a keen saxophone player, harmonica player and ballroom dancer (displaying more enthusiasm than competence in each of these genres!).

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